Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Two o'clock in the morning and can't sleep.  So, I get up and fix a cup of decaf and a cinnamon roll.  Why not?  At this age, I can eat and drink whatever I want at whatever time of day or night it is.  Kinda nice being this age.

I had a short visit at an urgent care this evening.  My co-pay was $50.  You fork it over when you have to.  I was sitting and waiting to be called back and a "younger" couple came in and signed in.  His co-pay was $10.  I was happy for him, but thought to myself, why can't mine be $10.  We started talking about various things, insurance, doctors, the norm.  He continued to talk and indicated he had a "lot of rental property".  So I am quietly thinking, ok, you make good money, you must have good insurance and here I am on disability with Medicare and grateful to have that.  Something has to be wrong with the "system" when a disabled senior has a higher co-pay than someone who has more money.  Just a thought.

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