Friday, February 24, 2017

Walking and thinking

As I was walking with Sophie a short time ago, I was I know, scary!! I have a "small" circle of friends, all female with the exception of one special man who is so kind. I love my neighbors and speak to them when I am out, but I don't want to get close to them and let them know my business. I am here for them, and they are here for me. I like my single life. As I told my male friend, "I don't and won't put up with BS!". He just laughed. But, I do miss conversations sometimes, not that my "X' ever offered any!! That is the truth!! Silence was golden there! lol But you young folks remember, when you get old and you are all alone, you will look back on your life as I do every single day, and wish you were still young and having the fun you used to have. So you "youngins", make each moment count and enjoy each day with smiles, laughter and love. Because, you WILL be my age one day and I hope you can say you had a blast reaching this age. I did, but I sure miss the fun!!

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